Μήνυμα στις 4/9/2007 στις 17:33 @Ftou.gr admin
sto prwto meros o admin anefere oti exei katharo kefali!poios to leei ayto!giati svisthkan ta posts!?!eeeeeee?giati apagoreyontai ta greeklish!kai epeidh ksrw oti tha me kanete ban kai thasvisete to post mou!kyria web master paw stoixhma oti den ksereis oute ligo apo web giayto mhn mas kaneis to exypno!ta xereis kai ola gia to sex!afou ta xeis dokimasei ola!aporw lesbia pws egines!????oi erwthseis einai rhtorikes na mhn apanthseis !ektos kai an thes na mou thn peis afou me kaneis ban gia na mhn apanthsw kai na deixeis pali poso kota eisai! pantws dsen exw kati mazi s you clean head i guess Πήγαινε στο θέμα: afairesh logou sthn ftouxoxwra no.2
Μήνυμα στις 4/9/2007 στις 17:17 @Μηχανήματα
re seis me douleyete?ti windoze lete mwre!pare periballontiko unix na deis ti tha pei ypologisths!kouzoulathikate oloi????:P\\ oso gia ta greeklish exoriste me! Πήγαινε στο θέμα: LINUX, ε??? Νααααα!!!!: |